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صفحه اول (سوال یک تا بیست و دو)
ویس سواال های یک تا سه
?What is your full name
.My full name, Sure Ali Ahmadi
?What is your first name
My first name is Ali
?What is your last name
My last name is Ahmadi
ویس سوال های چهار و پنج
?What do people call you
?What does your family call you
?What do your friends call you
It depends my close friends call me Ali
?Do you have a nickname
I do not have a nickname
?When were you born
I was born in 2000
ویس سوال های شش، هفت، هشت، نه و ده
?When were you born
I was born in 2000
?When is your birthday
It is 22 th of June
?Where were you born
I was born in Iran
?Where is your hometown
It is Karaj
?Where did you grow up
I grew up in Karaj near the capital city Tehran
ویس سوال یازده
?How old are you
I am in my early teens / mid teens / late teens
ویس سوال دوازده و سیزده
?What is your job
?What do you do
I am a student / jobless / self-employed / employed
ویس سوال چهارده
?What kind of jobs do people do in your hometown
I think people have different jobs, for example farming
ویس سوال های پانزده و شانزده
?What kind of jobs does your father do
?What is your father's job
He is involved in agriculture industry
ویس سوال هفده
?What is your idea about your hometown
It is cool & great because it has nice weather people are friendly and full of hospitality there are a lot of accommodations there are lots of jobs. Beside it is not polluted and crowded. There is not much traffic
ویس سوال هجده
?Do you like to move out
No, I think I like to stay here forever because I have a lot of Friends
yes, I like to move out to Tehran because there are not any accommodations
ویس سوال نوزده
?What do you do in your free time
To tell you the truth I don’t have any free & spare time
I can hardly make free time I am very busy. Time is too short for me
If I have any spare time I will do several activities like playing / listening to my favorite music / going camping / going to gym / going swimming
ویس سوال بیست
?Do you have any hobbies
Sure, I am fond of chatting on line / learning English
Actually I am crazy about watching cartoon
I am keen on shopping / cycling
ویس سوال بیست و یک
?How did you did you become interested in English
My mother encouraged me as matter of fact
ویس سوال بیست و دو
?Do you come from a large or small family
Well, I think I come from a small family because I have 2 siblings (brother & sister)
Talking about my immediate / extended family, I can say it is small / large

صفحه دوم (سوال بیست و سه تا سی و نهم)
ویس سوال بیست و سه
?How many brothers and sisters do you have
I have one brother and I don't have any sisters /as a matter of fact I'm an only child
ویس سوال بیست و چهار
?Do you like your brothers more than your sisters
?Which one is better, your brother or your sister
?I like to have an older brother because I can spend my time with him
He can help me in my homework. I can go out with him
In my idea sister is better because she's kind and she helps me and she takes care of me
She's like my mother and she's caring and sharing/ None of them
I don't like to have any brothers or sisters
If I have a sibling I must share my bed room with him or her and my parents pay attention to him or her more.
I don't like to share my things with others
ویس سوال بیست و پنج
?What do you do with your family members in your free time
We spend our time watching TV .We speak about our problems and
we try to find a solution for the problem
We go on a picnic together
We have togetherness
We enjoy being together
We do homework together
We go to party. We travel to other cities. We go shopping
ویس سوال بیست و شش
?How often do you visit your relatives
We don't see each other a lot because we are busy and we are not in the same city and
we are far from each other
We visit each other a lot because we live near each other, in the same city so
we visit each other every month / once a week /twice a week/ 3 times a month
ویس سوال بیست و هفت
?Do you have a lot in common with your brothers and sisters
Actually not much. I think we don't have a lot in common and
we are not the same and we don't have any similarities
My parents think we are the same and we have similarities. We both have green eyes but I don't think so
ویس سوال بیست و هشت
?Do you have a lot of friends
to tell you the truth I'm not into making friends so I have a few close friends
I have a lot of close friends because I'm sociable person and
I am into making friends so I have long-lasting friendships
ویس سوال بیست و نه
?Can you describe one of your best friends
Gosh, my mind is blocked now. I think my best friend is Jack
He is really one of my best friend. He's handsome
He has dark curly hair. He is caring and sharing and he helps me a lot
ویس سوال سی
?What do you do with your best friends together
We are keen on having get together and we are fond of going out.
We are crazy about having picnics
ویس سوال سی و یک
?Do you like music
I enjoy listening to music and I cannot live without music
ویس سوال سی و دو
?When do you listen to music
I listen to music when I am free and I take break. I cannot listen to music when I study
ویس سوال سی و سه
?What kind of music do you enjoy
I enjoy soft music, background music, pop, hip hop jazz or rock music. I don't enjoy traditional music
ویس سوال سی و چهار
?Do you always listen to music
Yes, I listen to music when I do my work. It is a habit that I can't kick
I don't have free time so I never find time to listen to music
ویس سوال سی و پنج
?Can you play any musical instruments
Yes, I play guitar, piano, violin. Actually, I have taken a few music classes over the years but I'm not professional
and I cannot play very well.
I have taken a lot of classes and I have gained Mastery over it during these years and I can play it very well
ویس سوال سی و شش
?How do you feel when you listen to sad music
When I listen to sad music, I get sad and depressed but when I listen to happy music, I get energy and I like to dance
ویس سی و هفت
?Who is your favorite singer
.........My favorite singer is …../ I am a big fan of
ویس سوال سی هشت
?Do you listen to foreign music
YES, I listen to English music a lot because
I can learn a lot of new English words and expressions. I try to memorize them
ویس سوال سی و نه
?Describe your home
We live in a 5-storey apartment on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth floor.
There are a big Livingroom, 2 bedrooms, a small kitchen and at the end of the hall there is a bathroom

صفحه سوم ( سوال چهل تا پنجاه)
ویس سوال چهل
?What are there in each room
There is a bed with a pillow, a blanket and a sheet on the bed in the bedroom
There are not any closet. there is a big drawer. There are a lamp, a sofa, an armchair, a carpet and a rug in the living room
There are some curtains on the windows. there are a basin, mirror, bathtub and a shower in the bathroom
There are a stove, an oven, a refrigerator, a fridge and a sink in the kitchen but there are not any cupboards
ویس سوال چهل و یک
?Do you like your present home
Yes I like it a lot because it is big enough and I have my own bedroom
The neighbors are very friendly and full of hospitality. There are a lot of children as old as me in our building
There is a nice balcony with lots of flower pots
No, I don't like it because I don't have my own bedroom and I have to share it with my family member
It is not big enough. The neighbors are noisy and impolite they don't have culture of apartment living
We want to move out next year. the public transportation is not enough and
our neighborhood is far from the school so I have to take a taxi
ویس سوال چهل و دو و چهل و سه
?What is your favorite food
I can't name any specific kind of food. I am not picky
,about food. I try to eat everything. Generally I like spicy
salty, greasy sweet, sour, bitter, bland food but I can’t
.stand junk food
?Where do you usually eat? Why
We usually eat at home because home cooked meals
are healthy and we prefer healthy food. Sometimes we
go to restaurant and we enjoy eating there but it is very
expensive to eat in restaurant. I think my mom's
.cooking is more delicious
ویس سوال های 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 و 48
?Do you use the telephone or mobile very often
yes, it is very necessary in my life. I send a lot of
messages because it is a way to keep in touch with my
.friends. When I don't have time to call I send a message
?Do you use internet? Why
I use internet every second of my life. I can't live
without it. I surf the net. I search about different
.subjects on line. I check my emails, telegram etc
I pay my bills and membership due to my institute. I use
.internet to waste my time when I am jobless and free
?How much do you spend on internet
I spend 5000 tomans a month .It costs a lot and it is expensive so it is
not cheap
?Tell me about an important message you have received
Well, the other day I received a message from my
institute I was accepted in level 5 which made me
my favorite team beat the opposing team-
I won a prize in the lottery-
My friend congratulated my birthday-
?How did mobile change our life
I think mobiles are great inventions because People can
get in touch with each other across the world easily and
.they can communicate with each other fast
As compared with the past it is more expensive because
.people use it more and stay online more than before
ویس سوال های 49 - 50 - 51 و 52
?What kind of transport do you usually use
I try to use public transport more because I want the
environment or nature to be green. I usually try to go
on foot or I walk, I take public transport such as bus,
taxi, subway, etc. Sometimes I ride my bike or
motorcycle. We don't drive our car because it pollutes
.the air
?How do people travel
Generally most people like to use their cars. they like to
,be on the road because they enjoy the nature, fields
farms, mountains, rivers, sea, ocean, jungle even desert
some people fly to other cities or even they enjoy a ride
.on a bus
?How has transport changed
More or less. everything is better. we have safer roads, highways, bridges, underpasses, flyovers and subways
?Do you use public transport
No, not at all. If we use public transport we are not on
time so we are late. there are not enough public
transport but sometimes I use public transport because
I don't get stuck in traffic and I get faster to my
destination and it is not polluted, it does not pollute the
air if we use public transport

صفحه چهارم (سوال پنجاه و یک تا شصت و چهار)
ویس سوال 53
?Do you watch TV a lot
,You know I am a big fan of animation, horror
documentary love story, drama, war, action, science
.fiction film So when I am free I spend my time watching movies or
.series with my family and I watch TV on weekend
ویس سوال 54
?What is your favorite kind of movie
…. I am in love with
ویس سوال 55
?Who is your favorite actor an actress
…. I am a big fan of
ویس سوال 56
?What was the last movie you watched on TV
….It was called
ویس سوال 57
……Who was/is in it?
It stars...…and
ویس سوال 58
?Describe the subject of the movie/what was it about
It is a science fiction movie
اسم فیلم ...…. It is called
بازیگران .....It stars X & Y
They play very well
داستان ........ It is about
ویس سوال 59
?Do you go to the cinema a lot
.Yes, it is a hobby and we go to the cinema on weekend
No, because the cinema is far from our home and I am not into movies a lot
My father doesn’t take us
ویس سوال 60 - 61 - 62 - 63 و 64
?Are you still a student? If so what grade are you? what is your major
I do elementary, secondary or high school (tertiary education) in math, humanity (literature), science major
?Describe your education
.When I was 5 I went to the kindergarten
There I learned some rhymes for children and
we spent our time playing and painting
after that I was sent to the elementary school
.I studied there for 6 years
I did very well and I studied hard
.I got good grades/marks
Then I went to secondary for 3 years and then
.I found myself in high school in math
I will get my bac in math because I want to be an engineer
I hope to be accepted in university I want to get B.A and
I will continue my education to get M.A
.I hope to immigrate to other country to do a research for P.H.D . I try a lot and I do my best
?What is your favorite subjects at school
,I am crazy about literature, math, science , chemistry
,physics, P.E, R.E, Geometry, History, Geography,
Algebra, biology
They are my favorite but I am interested in History more
I love all my subjects though they are hard
I can't name any specific course but mostly I loved language
.I was in love with it because it is something special
?What do you learn in different subjects
.I learn about history of different countries, wars etc in history
.I learn about nature, mountain, rivers, sea and ocean in geography
.I learn about science and scientific subject in science
.I learn how to calculate numbers and how to solve problems in math
.I learn how to memorize and understand poem and stories in literature
?What do you remember about your first school
Well, let me think, I remember my first day of going to school
.It was strange. Everything was unfamiliar
.I didn't know anyone I was shy. It took time to get used to it
.But after a while I got to know some of my classmates
.One of them called Ali came to me and we made friends
.We got along with each other
.My teacher was very kind and she taught well
.I went/go to public school but my close friend went to the private school

صفحه پنجم (سوال شصت و سه تا هفتاد و پنج)